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Printed linen for interiors and garden furniture

Printed fabrics are characterized by great aesthetics. Printed linen is made of high-quality polyester. This material is very durable and resistant to mechanical damage. It also accepts prints perfectly, so you can apply attractive patterns on it. The natural pattern of linen weave on waterproof material is suitable for the production of many interior and garden accessories.

Safe fabric without heavy metals

Linen products are famous for their durability. This natural feature of linen, together with the characteristic appearance of the fabric, is worth using for decorative items. Do you want to create something yourself? Waterproof linen with a print will work well as a finishing element for bags and sleeping bags. It can also be used for sewing bags, handbags or comfortable, small kidneys. Recommended fabrics have the required safety certificates. They do not contain harmful elements or heavy metals.

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